
The Most Common Question:“How Many Grafts Do I Need?”

GICexpat 2022-08-29

The Most Common Question Asked by Patients “How many grafts do I need?”

One of the most common questions a patient asks is “How many grafts do I need?” The answer to this question will be different for each patient. In order to answer this question, a patient needs a full consultation & evaluation where his goals are assessed and both his donor & recipient area are evaluated. With this information, we can evaluate first “What can be done” & second “How many grafts will you need?”


The average patient has ~ 6000 grafts available in his donor area for transplantation.

However, all patients are different. Depending on a number of variables some patients can get more coverage while others have to accept less. There are patients who do not have enough donor hair to do their crown at all. In some cases, a patient is not a good candidate for surgery at all.


Donor Density: The more donor hair available the greater area of baldness that can be covered. Conversely the less donor hair available the less area that can be covered. Most patients can get at least 6000 grafts but there are those that only have 4000 and those that have as much as 8000. Sometimes it is hard to predict the exact amount a person will be able to get

The severity of Balding Pattern: The more severe the balding pattern the larger the recipient area is and the more grafts that will be needed. The less severe the balding pattern smaller the number of grafts needed.

Head Size: Some patients have extremely large heads while others have smaller heads. Larger heads typically require more grafts.

Age and Potential for Future Fair loss: The younger the patient the more risk they are of having future hair loss and needing more grafts in the future. The older the patient the less risk of this. This unfortunately is unpredictable. Family history and exams can help but are unreliable. You can usually predict who will lose more hair. What is impossible to predict is who will NOT progress or the rate and speed of progression. This means that when evaluating younger people with existing hair always have to be prepared to do more work if they progress.

Willingness to Maintain:  PRP and medication are very effective at preventing the progression of hair loss and limiting the size of the recipient area. A patient who does PRP usually will be able to obtain more coverage and a fuller look.

Our experienced surgeons have performed 200000 Plus procedures and are ready to give you the best results possible, We offer free consultations at our 34 branches in China, so we can meet with you and discuss how we can achieve your goals together. Scan the WeChat to book your free Consultation.

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